Weebipedia Wiki


Content from deleted fanon pages

  • 1 Karate Kid: Anime (2027)
  • 2 Naruto: The Elseworld Game
  • 3 Naruto: The Elseworld Game (2025 series)
  • 4 Naruto: The Elseworld Game Episode 3

Karate Kid: Anime is a upcoming anime series co-created by Will Smith, starred by William Zabka & Ralph Macchio. the series is based in the Karate Kid saga co-produced by Sony Pictures and directed by Xolo Maridueña, based in the 1980s anime produced by NBC Records, and is now distributed by the Netflix release with Sony.

The new Naruto series shows the legendary revolution of Naruto Uzumaki, returning behind choices of takes of ever destruiction to be a trap and his letter comes to a "one time last" to chase, and His denfenders of Tokyo is now replying new danger to Itachi and the summarys, to his popularity and…

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Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin 15 February 2021

The Book of Weeby One-Shots

AN: Here I sit on Valentine's night, writing a Goromi x Reader fic. This is the first Reader Insert I have written (Except for a 5 sentence Reader x Kiryu x Majima thing I wrote on Discord just to cringe-out my Kyoudais), and frankly, I ain't exactly a reader of them myself, so I am really winging it. Bear with me. I had the hankering to write something, and a Character x Reader has always been something I wanted to try. I WANTS TO WIN DA CRINGE POINTS!

This particular story I am not making Gender specific. I am sure both gals and guys alike would love a nice date with Majima-san. ;)

Just fluff and spice. Completely SFW.


The basics:

Y/N = Your Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

S/T = Skin Tone

E/C =…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 5 July 2020

I Haven't made One in A WHILE

Dang, I haven't made one of these in a while, so here is some things I have been doing lately:

  • I recently became an editor 
  • I have been watching Hunter × Hunter, JJBA, and Devil is a Part-Timer 
  • I have been reading too much fanfiction, to the point where it is an addiction 
  • I finished Demon Slayer, and Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun

That's kind of it-. I wanna do these more often-. See ya 

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 13 April 2020

Hello, again!

Hello, it is I, Rein, the Certified Danganronpa Page Maker! (Sadly not a actual title ;-;). I had been participating in a ton of roleplays lately. I had also finished The Promised Neverland, and reading the manga, and it is super good, and I recommend it to all of you! I am also starting to watch Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun, and omg, I ship Yashiro and Hanako so much! I hope everyone is well in dark times such as these, and please stay 6 ft away from everyone, and always wash your hands!

I just recently got into VOCALOID! I love Gumi, she is my favorite! My favorite VOCALOID song is either Universe Car Drowning, ECHO, or Machine Gun! I recommend VOCALOID to all of you, and I hope you listen to the songs!

Have a great day!

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DragonBallZ050 DragonBallZ050 27 March 2020

Social News

Hello! It's me, Joe! I am now your go-to social admin!

Firstly, as Fenn and Dio Kai left me in charge of discussions, I will be rolling out a lot of new features. These are some with explanations:

  • Off topic chat posts- These are for talking together so we do not make many listen to off topic and have to be locked.
  • Games- We will have many games such as "Arty Art" where you draw a given object, thing or animal, "Atlas"  where you have to name as many things related to a subject as possible and words can't be repeated, and many more! (All of these will be covered in an announcement post)
  • We are cutting down on mods- Since around 4 mods weren't active, we took them off of the roster. These positions won't be up for grabs any time soon.
  • Bans will b…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 25 March 2020

This Is a Long One

Hey, Rein here! Time to pour my heart out!

I love Weebipedia to bits and I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me and my Danganronpa obsession! People would call me crazy for liking it, because of the dark theme, atmosphere, and character designs! I still !I've it and it's amazing show you all accept that, as we all have our anime obsessions that we showed!

@Legendary Super Saiyan Fenniken shows his Jojos Bizzare Adventure.

@CakePopCos shows her RWBY

@Jetbug2003 shows his Gurren Laggen.

We all have obsessions and I love you all so much for accepting me here with Danganronpa, and making pages for it! I also started Anime Character of the Day, which you can catch on the Discussions Page, and also, I'm close to 1000 discussion posts, all ya…

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DragonBallZ050 DragonBallZ050 9 March 2020

Mobile Support Desk

This is the Mobile help desk. Please let us know if there are any problems on your mobile devices. This is for Wiki matters only

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Dragon Ball Side-Stories

A woman sat in her spaceship as it glided through space. She had green skin and white hair. Her name was Mugen, a Kai from 10. Younger sister to Zamasu, and a true Rebel who didn't care about the high-and-mighty, self-righteous Supreme Kais. She was no god, and neither were they. She was exhiled due to speaking-out against the Kais, and eventually realized that to talk sense into them was futile and only a waste of breath. She was a space pirate, formerly allied with Paragus and his son, Broly. But they were gone, now. New Planet Vegeta was gone, along with the only person she had ever called a friend. She turned up the radio to drown out the sound of the roaring engines, but then, she felt something. A strong amount of ki, all at once, be…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 6 March 2020

Happy March! (Updates)

Good morning, night, or afternoon weebs! Here is an update on me, DanganronpaRein! So, Weebipedia has reached over 100 pages, and I helped! Let me explain, I am known as the Certified Danganronpa Page Maker! I have made tons of Pages on Danganronpa. I also have have reached 100 edits on the wiki, so yay me! 

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Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin 23 February 2020

Personality Quizzes

  • 1 Quiz #1: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: What is Your Stand Personality Quiz
    • 1.1 Questions. (Rein's score is 370. She has to add a b-day, though.)
    • 1.2 Results.
  • 2 What Type of Dere are you/would date?

(A lone dreamer's score is 330. Failed to answer final question.) (Emerald1536's score and answers.

October 7











However, they failed to answer the final question.)

QZero: What is your birth month and date of the month. (Please not year.)

Q1: THINK FAST! You and your best friend are hiking in the woods when a bear approahes you. What do you do?

  • A: Make sure they get away! No matter what! (50 p)
  • B: RUN AWAY! Every man for themselves! (20 p)
  • C: I freeze and my friend distracts the bear at the cost of their own life! (30p)
  • D: Knock my fri…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 17 February 2020

Time for Another Update, Weebs!

Hello, weebs, it is I, DANGANRONPA REIN! I am here to announce some updates of what I have been working on! Right now, I just made a page for the game company, Spike Chunsoft. They made Danganronpa, so I'm forced to love them. I also made Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Kaito Momota, and more! Look forward to me helping Weebipedia to up to 100 pages, because I will add tons and tons of Danganronpa, and no one is stopping me! I also on the discussion page, am holding a Pun Competition! I am almost to 400 posts on their, which WILL happen!

Thanks for listening! Puhuhuhuhu!

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Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin 14 February 2020

Art Competitions

  • 1 Valentine's Day Art Contest 2/14/2020
    • 1.1 Valentines Day Art Contest! (Part 1)
    • 1.2 (●ω●) Valentines Day Art Contest! (Part 2)
    • 1.3 Winners of 2020 Valentines Day Art Contest:
  • 2 Sugar Rush Art Contest 4/11/2020
    • 2.1 Winners of the Sugar Rush 4/11/2020 Art Contest
  • 3 2nd Annual Halloween Drawing Contest!
  • 4 Christmas Weebi Art Contest 2020
  • 5 2021
    • 5.1 Valentine's Day Art Contest 2021
    • 5.2 Edo Art Contest 4/11/2021
      • 5.2.1 Edo Art Contest!
      • 5.2.2 Edo Art Contest Awards Ceremony
    • 5.3 3rd Annual Halloween Drawing Contest 10/31/2021
      • 5.3.1 3rd Annual Halloween Drawing Contest!
      • 5.3.2 3rd Annual Halloween Art Contest Awards Ceremony!

Valentines Day Art Contest Award Ceremony!

1st Place: HalfAndHalf with their drawing of Baby Eijiro and Tetsutetsu

2nd Place: Jetbug with their drawing of Nia…

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Margo.a.Tiny.Duchess Margo.a.Tiny.Duchess 14 February 2020

Article Authors

Hi! this is Margo.a.Tiny.Duchess! i am a Rollback for this wiki! i monitor articles on this site for vandalism and such!

speaking of articles... this here page here is for acknowledging all the authors that work hard to bring this information to you. they work tirelessly, writing, referencing and creating these articles about things they are passionate about, so you can experience these amazing worlds as well.

here they are, (all authors mentioned or if you have not been mentioned, please comment down bellow TRUTHFULLY about what pages you have written and a bit about yourself)




@Ya Boi King Kai


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Margo.a.Tiny.Duchess Margo.a.Tiny.Duchess 6 February 2020

Vocaloid Youtube Artists (draft article)

Vocaloid On Youtube There are many official Vocaloid artists, however as Vocaloids popularity has risen many YouTube artists using the Characters voice sets have popped up all over youtube.

a few of the best ones that i have found are:

GHOST this artists has a variety of music videos containing original songs voiced by the many vocaloid characters.

typically these songs are in English and have a darker tone or meaning to the song

some of their best ones are Honey I'm Home containing some religious themes [i need to get the synopses again from a friend] it uses Dex's Voice set

Colour Bars and Broadcast Illusion Both having a similar theme about television and media, they are both sung by Fukase English

Appetite of a People Pleaser sung by v4flower, th…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 5 February 2020


Hello, weebs! Here is a update! I'm doing a RWBY roleplay with @CakePopCos! I am also making a couple of pages for Danganronpa charaters. I did Kyoko Kirigiri, and currently working on Ibuki Mioda! I will try to help more by adding all characters, hopefully! Also, I am almost to 100 discussion posts, so expect a Q&A! Thats all I have, thanks for listening and have an amazing day!

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Shattered Dimensions: Demon Lord Chronicles

@CakePopCos @The Ultimate 702 @EmoPrince77

"February 5, 1930.

We aquired all of the ingredients. Filled with excitement, my brother performed the summoning ritual like we studied. It was all a terrible mistake. We only wished to further alchemic knowledge, to extend the chance for others to learn. This was supposed to be a triumph in modern science. I am unsure what to do. I stayed up all night trying to form some idea, some plan to stop this beast. Alphonse is having a hard time with this. He feels as though all of this is his fault because he was the one to summon the ceature. That he should be held accountable for what lives have been lost. I tell him that it is more my fault, I pushed him to do it. I was the one who insisted that we pers…

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 1 February 2020


As I do on any wiki, I will mainly be doing the Discussions page! I will try and make some edits on the articles! 

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Fire Fox News Channel

Welcome to the first edition of Fire Fox News Channel. In this, we will examine what all has happened lately throughout the many different Wikis, popular anime news, and more. I hope you all enjoy, and have fun weebing out. (Inspired by @KingExplosionMurderer12345's "This Week on the Fandom" posts.) (Please do not take offense to any remarks made here.)

Fire Fox News Channel: Episode 1 (Weebipedia)


This week, Minoru Mineta, a Pro Hero and U.A. High School Student, was assaulted by a rouge meme- I MEAN SHINOBI. The miscreant has been identified as Itachi Uchiha, a member of the infamous Akatsuki group. As of now, it has not been revealed if any charges will be filed. We will continue to follow this story as it develops.


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Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin 24 December 2019

Weebipedia: Help Desk

This is the Weebipedia Help Desk. If anyone has questions or needs help regarding the Wiki, Discussion Posts, etc. Please, leave a comment here and an Administrator or Moderator will be happy to help you.

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