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Okuyasu Nijimura (虹村 億泰 Nijimura Okuyasu) is a main character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.

Okuyasu Nijimura was first introduced as an enemy, alongside his older brother, Keicho Nijiura. He soon became Josuke Higashikata's best friend, and helped in the many fights against Enemy Stand Users. His Stand is "The Hand", which has the extremely powerful ability to completely erase whatever it swipes out of existence.


Okuyasu Nijimura is of average height, with a minorly muscular build. He has a small pompadour, with the hair on the sides slicked back, with two lightning-bolt shaped strands sticking out on the back. He has two curved lines going down his face, reaching from above his temples, around his brows and eyes, and down to his jaw line. He sports a dark blue modified Japanese School Uniform, which is adorned with a large dollar sign on the chest. It is accompanied with a Yen symbol on the right side of his collar, and a smaller dollar sing on the left side of his collar. The right shoulder has the Kanji for "Oku" patched on, while the left arm has "BILLION" embroidered on it. He wears baggy, wide-legged pants with two thin belts fastening them.

For more information on this character, please visit their page on the JoJo Wiki.
