Weebipedia Wiki
Weebipedia Wiki

Introduction: Welcome to Weebipedia

We strive to make the Weebipedia a fun and enjoyable place for everyone, young to old, so please follow these Rules and Guidelines. Please also follow the Security Guidelines!

Rules and Guidelines of Page Editing/Creation

1.Anyone can create/edit a page. Respect of the Wiki and it's users is requested of any who choose to do so. As such, there should be no use of curses or anything that may make someone uncomfortable.

2.Do not create a page that does not meet the criteria of the Wiki. Any pages created that do not meet this wiki's standards will be deleted without notice. Continued infractions to this rule may result in a ban.

3.Do not use the info pages for chatting or promoting opinions (That is why we have a community). Any users who break this rule will be warned. Further infractions will result in a ban.

4.Keep the information on the pages accurate. No speculation, unfounded theories, or lies.

5. If you use information from another wiki or outside source, leave a link to that page to show due credit to the originators of the copied info. (When you leave a link, put it at the bottom of the page.)

(Here is the uniform line: "For more information on this character (or anime, etc.), please visit their page on the (such and such) Wiki.") Then put the link below.

6.Do not vandalize the pages. Do not delete info, replace truth with lies, add emojis, add words or letters or numbers or non-sense of any kind. Breaking this rule with clear malicious intent will result in immediate ban.

7. Always leave a detailed summary when saving.


Rules and Guidelines of Discussion Posts:

1.Be nice and treat people with respect. Cyber-bullying is strictly prohibited on this Fandom. Keep discussions civil, do not promote the use of bad language (Like the GD word, JC word, F word, S word, etc.), and be open-minded about differing opinions. Any user who goes out of their way to make Discussions an unwelcoming environment for others, such as trolling to evoke a response will face consequences.

2.All posts should have some substance, thought, and effort put into them. There’s no firm length requirement, but posts deemed low effort by a Discussions Moderator or Administrator is subject to deletion.

3.Impersonation of other users or famous people will not be tolerated. If you have been banned and return on a new account, your posts will be deleted and your new account(s) will be banned.

4.Spamming, trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and may result in a ban. This includes emoji spam, spamming the same word across multiple posts, posting lyrics, and spamming ellipses (string of dots).

5.No self promotion or any other kind of advertising for another site whether it be another Wiki or a website outside of the Wikia domain. Links to this wiki's Discord server along with links for sourcing fan art are allowed however.

6.Posting of any sexually explicit content will lead to an immediate block from both Discussions and the Wiki.

7.Do not share personal information such as phone numbers, home addresses, E-mail addresses, or non-anonymous social media accounts in the Discussions. Anyone who requests this information should be reported, and may face a ban.

8.Videos are allowed to be linked so long as it does not fall under self-promotion or break any other rules in the guidelines.

9.Any posts made in the Wiki Announcements category that are not from an Administrator or a Discussions Moderator will be deleted without any notice.

10.Comments discouraging others to read the guidelines will be deleted.

11.Do not flood the feed. While there is no exact limit to the number of posts can make, if a Discussions Moderator or Administrator feels that a user’s Discussions activity constitutes to as spam, they will make an effort to warn the offending user first.

12.A post can be deleted at anytime by a Discussion Moderator or Administrator if it is found as unfit for the Weebipedia.

13.If a post or user makes you feel uncomfortable, then report them and a Discussion Moderator or Administrator will take care of it.

14.You must sort your posts into the appropriate category. Failing to do so may result in your post being deleted.

Rules for Administrators, Discussion Moderators, etc.:

1.Never abuse your power.

2.Be respectful and adhere to the rules.

3.Any Moderators, Admins, etc. that breaks these rules will be suspended indefinitely. Multiple infractions will result the loss of Moderation, Admin, etc. Rights.

Rules for Weebipedia's Discord Server:

1.Be nice and treat people with respect. Cyber-bullying is strictly prohibited on this Discord Server. Keep discussions civil, do not promote the use of bad language (Like the GD word, JC word, F word, S word, etc.), and be open-minded about differing opinions. Any user who goes out of their way to make the server an unwelcoming environment for others, such as trolling to evoke a response will face consequences.

2.Impersonation of other users or famous people will not be tolerated. If you have been banned and return on a new account, your messages will be deleted and your new account(s) will be banned.

3.Spamming, trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and may result in a ban. This includes emoji spam, spamming the same word across multiple posts, posting lyrics, and spamming ellipses (string of dots).

4.No self promotion or any other kind of advertising for another site whether it be another server or a website outside of the Wikia domain. Links for sourcing fan art are allowed, however.

5.Posting of any sexually explicit content will lead to an immediate block from both Discord and the Wiki.

6.Do not share personal information such as phone numbers, home addresses, E-mail addresses, or non-anonymous social media accounts in the Sever. Anyone who requests this information should be reported, and may face a ban.

7.Videos are allowed to be linked so long as it does not fall under self-promotion or break any other rules in the guidelines.

8.Any posts made in the Rules Channel that are not from an Administrator or a Discussions Moderator will be deleted without any notice.

9.Comments discouraging others to read the guidelines will be deleted.

10.Do not flood the feed. While there is no exact limit to the number of posts can make, if a Moderator or Administrator feels that a user’s server activity constitutes to as spam, they will make an effort to warn the offending user first.

11.A post can be deleted at anytime by a Moderator or Administrator if it is found as unfit for the server.

12.If a post or user makes you feel uncomfortable, then report them and a Moderator or Administrator will take care of it.

13.Due to safety concerns, Video and Voice Calls are prohibited.

14.You must sort your messages into the appropriate channel. Failing to do so may result in your post being deleted.

15.Don't ping @owner Don't ping @Baby Yoda, @Fenn, or @YBKK.
