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Toshinori Yagi ( Yagi Toshinori), more commonly known by his hero name, All Might (オールマイト Ōru Maito), is the tritagonist of My Hero Academia. All Might is the former No. 1 Hero who bore the title of the world's Symbol of Peace (平和の象徴 Heiwa no Shōchō). He teaches Foundational Hero Studies at U.A. High School.

All Might was the eighth holder of the One For All Quirk after receiving it from Nana Shimura. He has since passed the torch to Izuku Midoriya, whom he is grooming to be his successor. After using up all the embers of One for All to defeat All For One, All Might retired and ended his era as the world's greatest hero.

For more information on this character, please visit their page on the Boku No Hero Academia Wiki.

